Technology & Trends - Compressors
The shipping industry is currently navigating a profound transformation driven by environmental concerns, new emissions targets, and evolving regulations. As vessel owners and operators seek to reduce emissions while remaining competitive, determining the right strategy has become increasingly complex. Factors such as alternative fuel availability, fluctuating prices, and an ever-expanding range of technological solutions have made decision-making anything but straightforward. Lack of motivat...
Aiming to establish minimum requirements for the cyber-resilience of newbuild vessels and their connected systems, IACS unified requirements (URs) E26 and E27 provide a new benchmark for shipping’s response to its growing exposure to cyber-attacks. Officially in force from 1 July 2024 and broadly welcomed by industry, the new URs represent another step forward in strengthening Maritime's resilience to the evolving cyber threat. However, according to a thought-provoking discussion recently...
Demand for ammonia is being transformed by the energy transition. Until recently used as an input for fertiliser and chemical products, new markets for green and blue ammonia are emerging, replacing fossil energy in power generation, steel production and marine fuel. Today some 200m tonnes per annum of ammonia is produced worldwide with 20m tpa transported in LPG carriers. The scale of the emerging and potential demand will see these figures rise; how quickly this can be achieved will determine...
Covering over 70 percent of the Earth’s surface, the oceans are a vital element of our planet’s ecosystem. However, for the millions of vessels that cross them, the aquatic environment can present a problem. Vessels are increasingly using electrical systems to power across oceans, but a component’s design must account for these extreme conditions. Here, David Atkins, project director at marine resistor manufacturer Cressall, investigates offshore resistor design. Importance of...