Emissions - Expert commentary

Voyage to net zero: The role of analytics in shipping’s sustainable shift

The shipping industry is currently navigating a profound transformation driven by environmental concerns, new emissions targets, and evolving regulations. As vessel owners and operators seek to reduce emissions while remaining competitive, determining the right strategy has become increasingly complex. Factors such as alternative fuel availability, fluctuating prices, and an ever-expanding range of technological solutions have made decision-making anything but straightforward. Lack of motivat...

LEO networks revolutionise maritime connectivity

Maritime communications came a long way before they could deliver the first Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS). Still, it is fair to say that their forward march has only accelerated in the two-and-a-half decades since. Today, shipping companies rely on satellite connectivity to protect their vessels and people and enable the digitalisation, decarbonisation, and crew-welfare initiatives on which its successes rely.  Low-Earth orbit (LEO) networks Against this background, t...

Supporting safe bunkering for ammonia as a marine fuel

Demand for ammonia is being transformed by the energy transition. Until recently used as an input for fertiliser and chemical products, new markets for green and blue ammonia are emerging, replacing fossil energy in power generation, steel production and marine fuel. Today some 200m tonnes per annum of ammonia is produced worldwide with 20m tpa transported in LPG carriers. The scale of the emerging and potential demand will see these figures rise; how quickly this can be achieved will determine...

Mastering transportation cybersecurity: The comprehensive guide

Global transportation networks are becoming increasingly interconnected, with digital systems playing a crucial role in ensuring the smooth operation of ports and supply chains. However, this reliance on technology can also create vulnerabilities, as demonstrated by the recent ransomware attack on Nagoya Port. As Japan's busiest shipping hub, the port's operations were brought to a standstill for two days, highlighting the potential for significant disruption to national economies and supply cha...

Marine going green: Factoring in visibility sensors as part of sector overview

With COP26 just around the corner and a year on from the announcement of the UK Government’s 10 Point Plan, the need to become more carbon neutral is as prominent as ever and is now underway in numerous industries across the world. Frequent severe weather events It’s no secret that the weather is changing, with severe conditions happening more frequently and at pace, with soaring temperatures, storms, flooding and even volcanic eruptions all making headlines on a regular basis. Ho...
