AI - Harbour insights

Biden executive order seeks to shore up cybersecurity of U.S. ports

U.S. President Joe Biden has signed an Executive Order aimed at shoring up the cybersecurity of U.S. ports, a move fuelled by mounting concerns about the vulnerability of this critical infrastructure to cyberattacks. This initiative marks a significant shift in policy, empowering key agencies and outlining concrete actions to bolster defences. By empowering key agencies, establishing clear standards, and fostering collaboration, the initiative aims to strengthen U.S. ports against the evolving...

AIME creates mechanism to expand collaboration, innovation in maritime

Procurement processes in the boatbuilding industry are not conducive to innovation. The flow of money to boatbuilders occurs when the boats are delivered, several years after a contract is awarded. This pattern puts all the emphasis on delivering the product, not on making it a better product. Consultative environment The U.S. Navy favours more innovation when it comes to boatbuilding, but it is difficult to achieve in the existing environment. Current economics and processes discourage innova...

Current events highlight impact and challenges of 1920’s Jones Act

The Jones Act, also known as the Merchant Marine Act of 1920, has been in the news recently, both as an element in the supply chain muddle and related to the U.S. ban on Russian oil and gas. The Jones Act requires that ships operating between ports in the United States of America be constructed in the U.S., fly the U.S. flag, be owned by U.S. citizens, and be crewed only by U.S. citizens and U.S. permanent residents. The Jones Act The law was introduced by Senator Wesley Jones (R-Wash.) and be...

The impact of microplastics pollution on the marine environment

Pollution from microplastics poses a threat to the marine environment and synthetic ropes used by maritime vessels are a source of the contamination. Research is ongoing into the specific impact of pollution. Meanwhile, the development of biodegradable fishing gear is one solution, but greater awareness is needed to tackle the problem holistically. The impact of ropes on the ocean The University of Plymouth’s International Marine Litter Research Unit is studying the impact of ropes on ma...

Backlogged ports among symptoms of global supply chain disruption

Backlogged ports, a shortage of shipping containers and not enough workers are among the factors contributing to supply chain disruptions that have led to shortages of various goods and are likely to impact availability of merchandise, during the upcoming holiday season. Demand is growing rapidly as the impacts of the COVID-19 global pandemic have diminished. However, lingering consequences of the pandemic are continuing to impact the container shipping market. With each element in the system t...

Merging environmental protection and economic growth in the ‘blue economy’

If the ocean were a national economy, it would be the seventh largest in the world. Contributions of the oceans to energy production, transport and sustainable food production are essential to the global economy. In the global ‘blue economy,’ environmental protection and economic growth are intrinsically linked, especially in the maritime industry. The European Union has detailed a realistic agenda for the blue economy to play a major role to achieve the objectives of the European...

Addressing the challenges and reaping the value of autonomous ships

The Mayflower departed from Plymouth, United Kingdom, this June with the intent of retracing the route of its famous historical namesake. The difference is that, in the case of the modern Mayflower, there was nobody on board the vessel, which operates autonomously. The vessel is able to assess the current environment, identify and avoid hazards, and maintain situational awareness using the ship’s edge computing technology. The Mayflower Autonomous Ship (MAS400) is a project of the marine...
