South Africa News

Blue Water Shipping opens new office in the Port of Thyboron

For several years, Blue Water Shipping has been active with different port-related services in Thyboron, on the west coast of Jutland. “In recent years, we have been involved in various projects. Seeing a future great potential, we have decided to open an office in the Port of Thyboron in cooperation with a local partner, Kynde & Toft," says Søren Stougaard from Blue Water’s Port Service Division. Major steel constructions Since its establishment in 1958, Kynde & To...

Kongsberg Digital adds MarineInsight™ applications by ioCurrents to the Kognifai Marketplace

Kongsberg Digital is pleased to announce to have signed a partnership agreement with MarineInsight™ by ioCurrents. The deal will make three new software solutions available to Vessel Insight subscribers via the Kognifai Marketplace: Vessel Health, Automated Reports and Fuel & Emission Optimisation. The solutions will, respectively, assist in identifying engine failure through Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, create Automated Reports for all departments, and reduce fue...

A.P. Moller - Maersk transported relief materials across countries and difficult terrain in quick time

The customer is a premier global agency of the United Nations which has brought succour to displaced people by providing them shelter, food and water. The customer has an active presence in Africa, providing relief supplies to various humanitarian partners to fulfil their missions rapidly and effectively. In the past, the UN agency has worked closely with Maersk and sought our ocean and inland transport services on termly contracts as well as on ad hoc basis. The challenge The customer nee...

A.P. Moller - Maersk implemented an end-to-end solution to deliver essential, high-volume and low-value cargo to remote locations in Chad

The customer is the foremost agency of the United Nations focused on improving the lives of children through humanitarian and developmental aid in over 190 countries. Their involvement with children spans medical care for expectant mothers and babies, nutrition for infants and adolescents, educational aid and skill development, building capacity for water and sanitation, and protection against exploitation. The agency is also the world’s largest provider of vaccines and works to immunis...

Neste is testing renewable gasoline in Sweden for possible commercialisation internationally

Until now, there have been no commercial drop-in solutions for replacing fossil gasoline to reduce high amounts of greenhouse gas emissions from conventional petrol cars, without investing into new vehicles or modifying the old ones. Neste, the producer of renewable diesel and sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) may be the first to have developed a renewable gasoline for such commercial use in the existing fleet. The final phase of testing is now beginning with the target to complete commercia...

A.P. Moller - Maersk re-evaluating the modal mix for Pharmaceutical supply chains

Pharmaceutical supply chains are not in the business of delivering products. They are responsible for human wellbeing and delivering high-quality care to patients. For that reason, there’s nothing more important than reliability in pharma & healthcare logistics. In the current situation, the flexibility to respond to the reality of the task at hand is also paramount. For instance, a company may meet critical deadlines by flying its COVID-19 vaccine to those hit by another wave of th...

Neste, Mitsui Chemicals and Toyota Tsusho collaborate to start Japan's first production of renewable plastics from 100% bio-based hydrocarbons

Neste, Mitsui Chemicals, Inc. and Toyota Tsusho Corp. announced that they are joining forces to enable Japan’s first industrial-scale production of renewable plastics and chemicals from 100% bio-based hydrocarbons. In this collaboration, Mitsui Chemicals will use Neste RE™, 100% bio-based hydrocarbons produced by Neste, to replace a part of the fossil feedstock in the production of a variety of plastics and chemicals at its crackers within Osaka Works during 2021. In doing so, Mits...

Vanguard Marine delivers two RIBs to Salvamento Maritimo

Salvamento Maritimo, the maritime search and rescue (SAR) agency that operates under the Spanish Ministry of Development, recently took delivery of two new rigid inflatable boats (RIBs) in a series from Portuguese builder Vanguard Marine. Rigid inflatable boats Each RIB is equipped with four Ullman Dynamics Biscaya jockey seats with suspension systems and a custom-made aluminum console. The deck is covered with anti-slip material on the entire walking surface and is designed to accept diff...

X-Press Pearl reported smoke from the cargo hold, while at Colombo anchorage, in Sri Lanka

On May 20, 2021, Singapore -flagged Containership, 'X-Press Pearl' reported smoke from the cargo hold while at Colombo anchorage, Sri Lanka. Emergency procedures were initiated, and Co2 was released into the cargo hold. Port control and the local authority were informed, and Sri Lankan navy assets along with firefighting teams were placed on standby. Water spraying tugs On May 21, the vessel reported fire on deck. Firefighting tugs were deployed by the port authority and a helicopter providin...

A.P. Moller - Maersk delivered the cargo on time

The client, a company headquartered in Europe, operates one of the world’s largest and most comprehensive port and inland services networks. They are uniquely positioned in 75 ports around the globe to service both shipping lines and their customers by efficiently handling over 34,000 vessels and 12 million containers annually. The challenge On 23 May 2021, a blown-out transformer crippled the operations in the customer’s Moin Terminal in Costa Rica. They had a lead time of 6 wee...

A.P. Moller - Maersk seeks collaborative efforts to decarbonise logistics

Speaking on a panel at the Port of Houston’s Global Freight Summit on 19 May, Maersk North America Managing Director Narin Phol shared the company’s timeline, strategy and plans to decarbonise operations by 2050. “Decarbonisation is an important agenda for the industry and for Maersk. We are part of the problem and so must be part of the solution. Around half of Maersk’s 200 largest customers have set – or are in the process of setting – ambitious science-b...

A.P. Moller - Maersk delivering time-sensitive PPE cargo

With an urgent requirement for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, the client had a crucial need to deliver PPE to their frontline staff as they underwent a battle to provide care and treatment for the overwhelming influx of new patients.   As one of the largest not-for-profit healthcare organisations in the US, on-time delivery and impeccable execution were absolute requirements. The challenge The client needed PPE delivered within a week, or they...

A.P. Moller - Maersk on companies adopting new technology to simplify and connect supply chains

The global pandemic has changed all lives, the entire world, and its supply chains. Still very much affecting families, friends and livelihoods, the industry is shifting from personal counters to digital doorways. What COVID-19 has amplified is the urgency in quick reactions to change, as well as the importance of contingency management, visibility and traceability.   At the beginning of March, Vincent Clerc, A.P. Moller - Maersk’s CEO of Ocean & Logistics spoke at the JOC Trans...

CULINES will strengthen the Europe service AEX by providing more frequency from monthly to bi-weekly

Starting in June 2021, CULINES will strengthen the Europe service AEX by providing more frequency from monthly to bi-weekly. To meet customers' demands in Asia-Europe Express Service (AEX service), CULINES will provide more space from June 2021, by upgrading the frequency from monthly to bi-weekly. In addition to the current two 4250TEU type vessels on AEX service, there will be two more vessels of similar size deploying fixedly on the AEX. Upgraded AEX service To provide tailor-made service,...

What grassroots innovation means to A.P. Moller - Maersk

Often used, but so rarely achieved, ‘innovation’ remains a popular buzzword with big tech and the corporate elite, as well as the youngest of startups. Few would claim that the concept has become irrelevant, while many may argue that the true meaning of innovation could get lost if not used carefully and put into context.   To avoid this trap and get a very tangible impression of what grassroots innovation can do, Maersk recently organised its first-ever global hackathon. A we...

Blue Water trucks delivered 5,258 square metres of turf from Italy through Europe to Parken Stadium

On the first Wednesday of May, the first of 14 Blue Water trucks arrived at Parken Stadium (Danish national stadium) in Copenhagen. It was time to replace the grass on the great football field, and Blue Water’s Reefer Road team was assigned the main part of the transport of the new turf.  The 5,258 square metres of turf were transported from Italy through Europe to Parken Stadium. To keep the good condition during the entire transport, which took two days, Blue Water’s reefer t...

ASRY (Arab Shipbuilding & Repair Yard) modernisation continues with Infor cloud-based digital transformation platform

Infor has announced that ASRY, the Arabian Gulf's renowned maritime repair and fabrication facility based in Bahrain, has signed a contract with Infor to implement a new state-of-the-art, facility-wide enterprise resource planning (ERP) system, Infor CloudSuite Industrial Enterprise, to spearhead its digital transformation. ASRY (Arab Shipbuilding & Repair Yard) ASRY (Arab Shipbuilding & Repair Yard), which was established in 1977, handles the repair and conversion of ships, rigs and n...

RCL launches 2nd loop between Thailand and South China

RCL announces the launch of a new shuttle service between Thailand and South China with its partner Mariana Express Lines. The service will call at Port Authority of Thailand (PAT) – Laem Chabang – Nansha – Shekou – Laem Chabang using 2 X 1,200 ship rotation. RCL will brand this service as "RBS". The maiden voyages The maiden voyages will commence 5 June 2021 on the southbound ex Nansha. Mariana Express Lines will initially deploy 2 X 1,200 TEU on the service with RCL...

PIL announces new schedule of CTS and CT2 services

In line with PIL's Intra-Asia network enhancement, it announces two new weekly services directly connecting South China to Thailand - China Thailand Service (CTS) & China Thailand Service 2 (CT2). It will be affected through slot arrangements with Mariana Express Lines (MELL) and Regional Container Lines (RCL), effective from June 2021. time-sensitive reefer cargoes These products will also enhance its connectivity between WCSA and Thailand, providing a more competitive service to PIL's c...

Hainan Free Trade Port's first ‘zero-tariff’ imported container ship ‘Haifeng Haikou’ was put into operation

On May 13, 2021, the container ship - ‘Haifeng Haikou’ imported by Hainan Haifeng Shipping Co., Ltd. was officially put into operation. This ship is the first international ship registered in Hainan Free Trade Port from foreign nationality, since the release of the ‘Overall Plan for the Construction of Hainan Free Trade Port’ on June 1, 2020. It is also the first ‘zero-tariff’ import and international shipping ship. Efficient approval efficiency With the fu...

Transport of 2,350,000 pieces of IT equipment was handled on behalf of BWS' client Atea Denmark

From February to April 2021, Blue Water handled the biggest airfreight and charter project ever on behalf of its client Atea Denmark.  The task included the transport of 2,350,000 pieces of IT equipment from Denmark to Santo Domingo within two months. The 555 tonnes / 3,000 cbm were moved in three lots on commercial flights and 11 chartered aircraft. Also, personnel of Atea Denmark was on board.  Cooperation and teamwork The project involved many departments within Blue Water, and i...

FESCO launched new regular container train from the Bely Rast station to Chita

FESCO Transportation Group is expanding its domestic route network and has launched a new regular container train ‘FESCO Chita Shuttle’ going from the Terminal and Logistics Centre Bely Rast (Moscow) to Chita. FESCO Chita Shuttle service The service was used for the transportation of goods varying from consumer products to equipment The trains will depart once a week from the Bely Rast station, transit time to the destination – station Chita-1 – is 7 days. Th...

HMM prioritises the delivery of medical equipment to India, which is badly hit by COVID-19 virus spread

HMM has announced that it plans to transport any containers carrying the COVID-related medical devices and emergency relief supplies bound for India, contributing to overcoming the extreme situation in the country. Medical devices for COVID-hit India The medical devices mainly include medical oxygen supplies, such as medical grade oxygen, oxygen tank, oxygen bottles, oxygen concentrators, steel pipes for manufacturing oxygen cylinders and associated equipment. HMM has decided to impose merely...

Hapag-Lloyd signs partnership agreement with Boris Herrmann and Team Malizia

Hapag-Lloyd and Boris Herrmann have signed an official partnership contract for five years. The world-famous skipper and his corporate entity operating under the name of Team Malizia has the objective to raise awareness for the issue of climate change.Team Malizia gained notoriety in 2020 when Boris Herrmann competed in the Vendee Globe 2020 ocean race whilst carrying the message “A Race We Must Win” on the sails of his yacht. During its sailing missions, Team Malizia has collected...

Höegh Autoliners onboard more vessels to Kongsberg Digital’s Vessel Insight, after successful project with MAN

The agreement between MAN Energy Solutions and Kongsberg Digital came about as the companies realised that their separate efforts in the maritime digitalisation space were complementary. Kongsberg Digital’s Vessel Insight – a cost-efficient data infrastructure solution for the maritime market – is a natural match with MAN PrimeServ Assist digital solution for optimisation of engine use and maintenance. After entering a strategic digitalisation partnership, they undertook the...

Wilhelmsen receives RINA’s Maritime Safety Award for their safe mooring solutions, Smart Ropes and Line Management Plan

The Maritime Safety Award is presented by the Royal Institution of Naval Architects (RINA), in association with Lloyd’s Register, to an individual, company or organisation, which has made a significant technological contribution to improving maritime safety or the protection of the maritime environment.  Smart Ropes and Line Management Plan (LMP) Wilhelmsen’s winning entry is their safer mooring solutions, consisting of Smart Ropes and LMP Wilhelmsen’s winning entry is...

Maersk strengthens Contract Logistics & Distribution footprint in Vietnam with three new facilities

  A.P. Moller-Maersk strengthens its contract logistics and distribution capabilities in Vietnam with three new facilities coming into operation in Song Than and Bac Ninh. These warehouses, together with the other 11 self-managed facilities in the country, will enhance Maersk’s logistics capacity for future growth in Vietnam. Increasing the footprint “Contract Logistics and Distribution is a crucial component in our customers’ supply chains. By connecting and simplif...

PARAT delivers 40MW electrode hot water boiler to Finland

Vaasa power plant and district heating company from Finland orders High Voltage Electrode Boiler from PARAT. Vaasa Power Plant chose PARAT Halvorsen for their new 40MW Electrode Boiler. This is a 40MW Electrical Hot Water Boiler with a 10kV connection, design pressure of 10 barg, and design temperature of 184°C. This is one of PARAT's first orders to Finland for the modern High Voltage Electrode Boilers.

Kongsberg Maritime wins contract to supply green solutions for three Hurtigruten vessels

Kongsberg Maritime (KM) is pleased to announce the signing of a contract to upgrade three Hurtigruten Norwegian Coastal Express passenger vessels with comprehensive equipment packages for hybrid operation. The company aims to cut CO2 emissions from their operation along the coast of Norway by at least 25 percent. KM will collaborate closely with Norwegian shipyard Myklebust Verft on the refit. Upgrade features Each vessel will be fitted with two Energy Storage systems controlled via Kongs...

A.P. Moller - Maersk teams worked together to deliver oversized cargo to a remote locations in Indonesia

The customer is an India-based freight forwarding company and one of the leading consolidation forwarders in Indonesia. Apart from it, they also make regular FCL shipments. This time, they had to import of Out-Of-Gauge (OOG) containers from India to Balikpapan. The challenge Indonesia is divided amongst an archipelago of around 17,500 islands, and logistics is still a key pain point for doing business in the country. According to global research firm Report Linker, logistics cost varies betwee...

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