Marine Management Organisation (MMO) News

Adoption of the Marine Plans marks a big step forward for England’s seas - an update from the Marine Management Organisation (MMO)

The first comprehensive set of Marine Plans to guide development across England’s seas have been adopted and published. The publication of the North East, North West, South East and South West Marine Plans follows the adoption of the East Marine Plan in 2014 and the South Marine Plan in 2018. This means all of England’s seas – an area of approximately 230,000 square kilometres – a third larger than the total land area of England – are now covered by Marine Plans....

Succorfish announces that the company has attained official MMO accreditation for the SC2 Gen 2 Inshore Vessel Monitoring System (i-VMS)

A North East technology business is looking to haul in a big catch of new clients, after becoming the only provider in the north of England, to secure government accreditation for a state-of-the-art tracking device, used in the commercial fishing industry.  Succorfish attains MMO’s approval Succorfish is one of just four firms to successfully complete the Marine Management Organisation’s (MMO) extensive approvals process, for Inshore Vessel Monitoring Systems (I-VMS), which ar...
