Ingeteam Power Technology S.A. News

Ingeteam awarded a new green hydrogen contract in Australia

Ingeteam has been awarded a new contract to support the green hydrogen sector in Australia. Ingeteam will supply six rectifiers to help develop Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) electrolysis technology for its customer, Fortescue, in Queensland. In its role as a technology partner, Ingeteam will provide three full skid solution units, equipped with six INGECON H2 E series rectifiers, to supply up to 12 MW of energy to each of the electrolysers. It will also involve commissioning the highest curr...

Ingeteam’s first renewable hydrogen project in Belgium is a great success

Ingeteam’s first project for an electrolyser manufacturer’s test bench has been a great success. The project was the first 100% renewable hydrogen production facility to which the Basque technology company supplied capital equipment in mid-2022. Following system commissioning and several months of operation, its success constituted a green light for further projects with the same customer to generate hydrogen for their mobility solutions. Test bench project Such test bench project...

Ingeteam to equip Orient Express Silenseas with their latest marine technology

Ingeteam has succeeded in an order to equip what will be the world's largest luxury sailing ships. Specifically, the company will design and manufacture the converters and motors that will propel the two ships that will emulate the famous Orient Express train, enabling more ecological and sustainable navigation via the latest marine technology. The ships belong to Accor Group under the Orient Express brand, and will be built at French shipyard Chantiers de l'Atlantique. Ingeteam will supply a t...

Ingeteam contributes to the supply of drinking water in Levante through the installation of six Indar submersible pumps

Universal and equitable access to drinking water and adequate sanitation and hygiene services, as well as the improvement of water quality at a global level, are part of the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, but they have also become part of a daily problem in many parts of the planet. Ingeteam, with its Indar submersible pumps and motors designed and manufactured in Beasain, Spain, contributes to solve part of this problem; and among the numerous app...

Ingeteam announces Indar pumps installed in the refurbishment of the Balboa shipyard in Panama

Ingeteam announces that they would like to present the new project to refurbish the Balboa Shipyard at the Pacific entrance to the Panama Canal, in Panama City, where Indar pumps will help to reduce and control leaks in the dikes to prevent possible flooding. The shipyard was built more than 100 years ago to provide repair and maintenance services to vessels transiting the Panama Canal. It has recently been purchased and refurbished to bring it back into operation. Refurbishment of Balboa Ship...

Ingeteam celebrates its 50th anniversary with a tribute to its founders

Ingeteam’s 50th anniversary celebration was held in the Euskalduna Palace, in Bilbao, Spain, with a stirring tribute to the four families who founded the company. Fifty years ago, a group of four engineer friends travelling home after completing post-graduate engineering studies in Germany, decided to set up a business. Despite the tough situation at the time, they founded the company - TEAM in 1972, and it later merged with Ingelectric to create Ingeteam. Tribute to the founders of Inge...

Ingeteam starts to manufacture its first orders of the new INGECON H2 C-lyzer converter for the Green H2 sector

Ingeteam has started manufacturing the first units of its new INGECON H2 C-lyzer converter in Sesma (Navarre), for the Green H2 sector. The first orders for the green hydrogen converters will be installed in Belgium, California (in the United States of America - USA) and Bizkaia (Spain). INGECON H2 C-lyzer converters Ingeteam’s INGECON H2 C-lyzer converters are responsible for supplying direct current Ingeteam’s INGECON H2 C-lyzer converters are responsible for supplying direct c...

Iberdrola awards Indar, part of Ingeteam, the contract to modernise two generating units for the 132-MW Torrejón hydroelectric plant in Spain

Iberdrola has awarded Indar, part of the Ingeteam Group, the contract to modernise two generating units for the 132-MW Torrejón hydroelectric plant, on the Tajo River, in Spain. Variable speed vertical motor-generators As part of the modernisation work, the plant will be converted to full power variable-speed operation As part of the modernisation work, the plant will be converted to full power variable-speed operation. For the Torrejón hydropower plant, Indar’s contract c...
