Höegh Autoliners News
Nor-Shipping is promising the global maritime and ocean industries 'a bigger, bolder, better' exhibition and activity programme than ever before in Norway next year, with expansion and new initiatives to serve and support ambitious business developments. These include more exhibition space, greater international involvement, fresh networking opportunities, and a conference programme expanded to encompass Seabed Minerals, LNG and finance (Ocean Invest). Relevance and leadership The event week,...
Hanwha and Accelleron have performed an engine part load optimisation (EPLO) for Höegh Autoliners supporting long-term energy efficiency for its 7,850 CEU (Car Equivalent Units) car carrier Höegh Detroit. The success of the project to improve the vessel’s Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII) rating has led to an order for EPLOs on a further seven vessels owned or operated by Höegh. At a recent sea trial, EPLO demonstrated a fuel saving of 10g/kWh, equivalent to 5% of total fuel...
MacGregor, part of Cargotec, has been selected to supply comprehensive packages of RoRo equipment for an additional four multi-fuel and zero-carbon ready Aurora class Pure Car and Truck Carriers (PCTCs) for Höegh Autoliners. This will extend Höegh Autoliners’ Aurora class newbuilding program to twelve vessels, all of which will be built by China Merchant Heavy Industries (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd. The significant order is booked into Cargotec’s 2023 fourth-quarter order inta...
In Zurich, industry pioneers from across the global maritime value chain came together to launch the All Aboard Alliance, which will provide a platform for collaborative action to make the maritime industry more diverse, equitable, and inclusive. Global seaborne trade The backdrop for setting up the All Aboard Alliance is the fact that global seaborne trade relies on millions of people working in the maritime sector on shore and at sea. In the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic and in light o...
The 12 talks take place in the Blue Economy Hall at Nor-Shipping’s Lillestrøm exhibition facilities, with hour-long sessions focusing on future strategies, solutions, and building partnerships capable of delivering sustainable ocean success. Nor-Shipping Director Sidsel Norvik says the programme offers ‘an unmissable opportunity’ to see ‘an industry A-list debating how to transform ocean ambition into reality.’ Nor-Shipping 2022 runs in Oslo and Lillestr&osl...
The agreement between MAN Energy Solutions and Kongsberg Digital came about as the companies realised that their separate efforts in the maritime digitalisation space were complementary. Kongsberg Digital’s Vessel Insight – a cost-efficient data infrastructure solution for the maritime market – is a natural match with MAN PrimeServ Assist digital solution for optimisation of engine use and maintenance. After entering a strategic digitalisation partnership, they undertook the...