Asiatic Lloyd Maritime LLP News

DNV and AL Group to cooperate on CCS feasibility study

Classification society - DNV has entered into a Joint Development Project (JDP) with AL Group and its Singapore company - Asiatic Lloyd Maritime LLP to explore the feasibility of carbon capture and storage (CCS) on board AL’s 7,100TEU containership and Kamsarmax bulk carrier newbuildings. Techno-economic study of CCS Under the JDP, DNV will cooperate with AL on a techno-economic study of CCS on board the vessels using DNVs FuelPath to assess the economic potential of the different fuel a...

ABS and AL Group to study ultramax bulker methanol fuel conversion

ABS and Asiatic Lloyd Maritime LLP, a member of the AL Group, have signed a joint development project (JDP) to study the feasibility of converting the fuel system of an ultramax bulk carrier, from conventional diesel to methanol.  The study is focused on a series of up to eight ABS Classed ultramax bulk carriers ordered for construction in the New Hantong Shipyard, China, for AL Group. Author's quote “Converting vessel propulsion systems to take advantage of the decarbonisation pot...
