Søren Nørgaard Thomsen

Søren Nørgaard Thomsen
CEO, Blue Water ShippingSøren Nørgaard Thomsen is the CEO of Blue Water Shipping. Previously Søren Nørgaard Thomsen was the CEO of Esvagt A/S.
News mentions
As a consequence of increased business volume and in line with the execution of the Group's growth strategy, Blue Water has extended the group's top management, which grows from three to four members....
In 2019, the Blue Water Group presented a record profit of 25.7M EUR. The Danish transport group continues its strong development and has recently introduced its annual accounts for 2020 showing a rec...
The annual accounts for Blue Water Holding, which comprises the transport group’s total activities, showed a magnificent profit of 25,7 m EUR before tax for 2019. This is an improvement of just...