Jens Juel Rasmussen

Jens Juel Rasmussen
Area Director for Scandinavia, UnifeederJens Juel Rasmussen is currently serving in the capacity of Area Director for Scandinavia at Unifeeder. He has previously served as Director - Head of Strategic Sales, DFDS Shipping Division at DFDS.
News mentions
Starting from November 16th, CMP’s container terminal in Copenhagen is served with one additional container ship call every week. This additional service means that we are connecting Copenhagen...
Unifeeder is enhancing the services connecting Copenhagen with three German hub ports by scheduling an additional weekly container ship call to Copenhagen Malmö Port’s (CMP) terminals in Co...
Unifeeder is pleased to announce that from October 11, 2022, they will launch two new Scandinavian services to ensure weekly transit connections between Wilhelmshaven to/from Fredericia & Aarhus a...