Craig Carter

Craig Carter
VP of Business Development, Thordon BearingsCraig Carter is the VP of Business Development at Thordon Bearings Inc. Before he worked as Marketing Manager at Thomson-Gordon Group. Craig also worked as Marketing Coordinator at Acadian Seaplants. He complete MBA from Dalhousie University and bachelors from Saint Mary's University.
News mentions
Thordon Bearings welcomes the announcement by classification society ABS to award Approval in Principle to the ‘sterntube-less ship’ concept developed in cooperation with the Shanghai Merc...
Thordon Bearings reports increasing demand for its COMPAC water-lubricated propeller shaft bearings, as superyacht operators and managers opt for more environmentally friendly propulsion solutions. S...
A new video highlighting how improved technology can be used to help the global shipping industry meet its ocean sustainability targets has been produced by Canada’s Thordon Bearings. Addressin...
Ship owners, operators and managers responding to an environmental survey, carried out by Canadian-based McMaster University’s DeGroote School of Business, have acknowledged the need to reduce o...
Thordon Bearings has unveiled the BlueWater Seal, a new propeller shaft seal with a unique Safe Return to Port (SRTP) design that specifically meets commercial shipping industry needs for low maintena...
Representing a breakthrough in the evolution of a ship’s propeller shaft line, Canada’s Thordon Bearings has unveiled the Thordon-Blue Ocean Stern Space (T-BOSS), a new solution designed t...
Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (ClassNK) has joined the major classification societies to amend its rules relating to the inspection of seawater-lubricated propeller shaft systems. The amendment means that ship...
Thordon Bearings’ Egyptian distributor and integrated services provider Nefertiti Marine has successfully commissioned the water-lubricated Thordon SXL propeller shaft bearings installed aboard...
Mark W. Barker, the first new U.S flagged Great Lakes bulker in almost 40 years, has successfully completed sea trials and will now begin trading throughout the freshwater lakes and river networks, wi...
Thordon Bearings’ authorised distributor in Mexico, TZ Industrias, has secured an order to supply the Canadian company’s TG100 shaft seals, equipped with a safe return to port (SRTP) emerg...
Thordon Bearings welcomes the announcement by classification society ABS to award Approval in Principle to the ‘sterntube-less ship’ concept developed in cooperation with the Shanghai Merc...
Thordon Bearings reports increasing demand for its COMPAC water-lubricated propeller shaft bearings, as superyacht operators and managers opt for more environmentally friendly propulsion solutions. S...
A new video highlighting how improved technology can be used to help the global shipping industry meet its ocean sustainability targets has been produced by Canada’s Thordon Bearings. Addressin...
Ship owners, operators and managers responding to an environmental survey, carried out by Canadian-based McMaster University’s DeGroote School of Business, have acknowledged the need to reduce o...
Thordon Bearings has unveiled the BlueWater Seal, a new propeller shaft seal with a unique Safe Return to Port (SRTP) design that specifically meets commercial shipping industry needs for low maintena...
Representing a breakthrough in the evolution of a ship’s propeller shaft line, Canada’s Thordon Bearings has unveiled the Thordon-Blue Ocean Stern Space (T-BOSS), a new solution designed t...
Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (ClassNK) has joined the major classification societies to amend its rules relating to the inspection of seawater-lubricated propeller shaft systems. The amendment means that ship...
Thordon Bearings’ Egyptian distributor and integrated services provider Nefertiti Marine has successfully commissioned the water-lubricated Thordon SXL propeller shaft bearings installed aboard...
Mark W. Barker, the first new U.S flagged Great Lakes bulker in almost 40 years, has successfully completed sea trials and will now begin trading throughout the freshwater lakes and river networks, wi...
Thordon Bearings’ authorised distributor in Mexico, TZ Industrias, has secured an order to supply the Canadian company’s TG100 shaft seals, equipped with a safe return to port (SRTP) emerg...