These quality steam boilers will be installed in the NB1106 Factory Freezer Trawler and delivered to the Russian owner Okeanrybflot. This will be one of the world’s largest purpose-built factory trawlers.
Steam will be delivered by our 2x 4 tons MCS Combined Steam Boilers utilising the exhaust heat, the boilers are equipped with a rotary cup burner designed to use excess fish oil as a substitute to marine diesel if available.
Equipment delivery
The system will be delivered with a Feed water tank, water treatment, heat exchangers, thermal oil system, pumps, and surplus steam dumping system. All are controlled by a PARAT-designed PLC system. The Steam System will be used for the trawlers processing plants. The Hot Water System will be heated by Heat Recovery, Steam, and/or Electricity and the potable water to be heated by the central heating system.
The Factory Freezer Trawler is a Skipsteknisk ST-191 L design, being built at Tersan Shipyard in Turkey, and will be delivered to the Russian owner Okeanrybflot.