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A publication in an online medium ‘Ships and Ports’ features allegations of nepotism against the management of the Nigerian Maritime Administration and Safety Agency, NIMASA under the leadership of Dr. Bashir Jamoh OFR. NIMASA would wish to state categorically that this publication is subjective, smirking mischief, skewed to achieve the goals of the fabricator, and meant to mislead Nigerians.

It is worthy of note that the Nigerian Maritime Administration and Safety Agency’s approved organogram has 9 directorates and 13 autonomous units. At present, NIMASA has 12 Directors with all but one of them promoted under Dr. Bashir Jamoh’s administration.

The breakdown shows that 5 of the Directors are from South South, 3 of the Directors from South West, 2 Directors from South East and 1 Director each from North East and North West.

NIMASA explains Directors appointment

NIMASA wishes to put on record that the two Directors promoted this year were both from Southern Nigeria

The Nigerian Maritime Administration and Safety Agency (NIMASA) wishes to put on record that the two Directors promoted this year were both from Southern Nigeria. This implies that the ratio of the Agency’s Director from South to North is 10:2, representing over 83% Southern Directors, as against less than 17% Northern Directors.

The Directors of Marine Environment Management Department, Special Duties, Data Management Services, Deep Blue and Secretary General of Abuja MoU are all from the South South geopolitical zone.

Directors from all parts of Nigeria

The South West has Directors of Internal Audit, SERVICOM, and Maritime Labour Services Western Zone, while the Directors of Cabotage and Planning Departments are from the South East. The North East and North West have one Director each, heading the Western Zonal Region and the Reform Coordination Unit, respectively.

It is also imperative to note that the Head, Legal Services and Head, Financial Services Department of the Agency are both from North Central; the Head of Shipping Development Department and Procurement Unit are from the North West; the Head Maritime Safety Department is from the South West; while the Agency’s spokesperson is from South South.

The Head of Protocol is from South East and the Registrar of Ships is from the North Central Region. These are all part of the Agency’s top management team.

NIMASA urges media practitioners to cross check facts

While NIMASA urges media practitioners to always cross check their facts before going to press, the allusion by Messrs Ships and Ports that the Agency has an office in Jos, Plateau State is misleading. This is a misrepresentation of facts, which is capable of misinforming the public, as the Agency has never operated an office in Plateau State.

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