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Mersey Maritime is delighted to announce the appointment of Commodore Phil Waterhouse to its management board with immediate effect. Commodore Waterhouse is the Naval Regional Commander for Northern England and the Isle of Man.

As such, he is the First Sea Lord’s Ambassador for the region, with the task of ensuring that the work of the Royal Navy is understood, respected and valued by the community it serves. He has been in this role since 2017.

New appointment in Mersey Maritime Board

The Chief Executive of Mersey Maritime, Chris Shirling-Rooke, said “It is an immense honour for us to welcome Commodore Waterhouse to the Mersey Maritime Board, the first time we have been joined by a senior member of the Royal Navy and someone who has been a great friend and supporter of Mersey Maritime, since his arrival in the region.”

He adds, “The Royal Navy has been one of our strategic partners for a number of years and we have been pleased to partner with them for a number of key events, including when significant naval assets have been on the Mersey, including our country’s most important vessels - HMS Queen Elizabeth and HMS Prince of Wales."

Major asset to the maritime ecosystem

Chris Shirling-Rooke continues, “Many of the values that are so important to the Royal Navy fit within the ethos of Mersey Maritime. I have no doubt Commodore Waterhouse will prove to be a major asset to our maritime ecosystem and his presence on our Board further illustrates the diversity and breadth of maritime.”

He adds, “Defence and security, in a dangerous and unpredictable world, are very much at the forefront of all our minds at the moment, so having Commodore Waterhouse’s wealth of experience and his engagement on the board of Mersey Maritime can only further enhance the status of our organisation.”

Looking forward to have positive impact

Mersey Maritime seeks to represent and support the diverse maritime industry, stated Commodore Waterhouse

Commodore Phil Waterhouse said “The driving ambition of the Royal Navy is to protect the interests of the country on the global stage, just as Mersey Maritime seeks to represent and support the diverse maritime industry here in the Liverpool City Region and the greater North West.”

He adds, “In my role as Naval Regional Commander, I seek to build relationships and collaboration, whenever possible, in promoting the work of the service to a broad cross-section of stakeholders and organisations.”

Phil Waterhouse continues, “Having the opportunity to contribute to the work of Mersey Maritime is an ideal fit for my ambassadorial role in the region and I look forward to having a positive impact on the activity and governance of the organisation.”

Years of experience in the Royal Navy

Commodore Phil Waterhouse joined the Royal Navy as a Junior Sailor in 1982 and was promoted to the Officer Corps in 1988.

He served in a variety of senior seagoing and shore roles, before taking up his current post. Outside of work, he is a keen sports fan and family man.

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