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A newly signed TEST (Transfer of Environmentally Sound Technologies) Biofouling Project is set to provide pilot projects in developing countries, in order to demonstrate technical solutions for biofouling management in those countries, along with addressing the transfer of invasive aquatic species and help reduce greenhouse gas emissions from ships and ocean vessels.

Biofouling is the accumulation of aquatic organisms on wetted or immersed surfaces, such as ships and other offshore structures.

TEST Biofouling Project

The TEST (Transfer of Environmentally Sound Technologies) Biofouling Project will run for four years (2022-2025), following an agreement signed on December 8, 2021, by the International Maritime Organization’s (IMO) Secretary-General, Kitack Lim and the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad). Norad funding amounts to around US$ 4 million.

The project complements the existing Global Environment Facility (GEF)/United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)/IMO GloFouling Partnerships Project, which aims to support its lead partnering and partnering countries, to implement IMO's Biofouling guidelines.

Technical solutions in the GloFouling partner countries

TEST Biofouling will feature some of the latest advances in technological solutions for managing biofouling

The TEST Biofouling Project will focus on demonstrating technical solutions in the GloFouling partner countries. TEST Biofouling will feature some of the latest advances in technological solutions for managing biofouling, such as remote operated vehicles for in-water cleaning and underwater cameras for monitoring anti-fouling coating status. Additionally, the project will provide capacity building courses in developing countries.

IMO Secretary-General Kitack Lim said, “I am pleased to sign this agreement with Norad, for the TEST Biofouling Project. We need to showcase solutions to today’s challenges, including preserving the oceans’ biodiversity and tackling climate change.

New technologies for greener shipping

Kitack Lim adds, “In 2022, IMO’s World Maritime Theme will be ‘New technologies for greener shipping,’ so it is particularly pertinent to launch a project, which is going to focus on demonstrating just what can be done. This project will work with developing countries, ensuring that they can lead in demonstrating solutions.

The International Maritime Organization (IMO) has been a global organisation on addressing Biofouling, through the guidelines for the control and management of ships’ Biofouling, to minimise the transfer of invasive aquatic species (Biofouling Guidelines) (resolution MEPC.207 (62)), which are intended to provide a globally consistent approach, to the management of Biofouling. 

Biofouling, major vector for Invasive Aquatic Species (IAS) 

Biofouling is a major vector for the introduction of alien species - Invasive Aquatic Species (IAS), which may severely impact marine biodiversity.

Studies show that biofouling on ships is responsible for between 55.5% and 69.2% of the established coastal and estuarine invasive species globally. IAS can dominate benthic habitats, compete with and disturb native communities, and displace local species.

IAS severely harm the marine and coastal environment

Invasive Aquatic Species (IAS) have caused significant harm to the marine and coastal environment

Invasive Aquatic Species (IAS) have caused significant harm to the marine and coastal environment, and are considered one of the leading causes of marine biodiversity loss. Once established in a marine environment, IAS are very difficult and often impossible or prohibitively expensive to eradicate, hence prevention of introductions through good ships' biofouling management is key.

In addition, managing biofouling by keeping hulls clean from the build-up of species can be a major contributor to reducing ships’ fuel consumption and resulting in greenhouse gas emissions. In effect, biofouling on ships’ hulls increases their surface roughness, which in turn increases frictional resistance and ultimately, fuel consumption and emissions.

Impact of Ships’ Biofouling on Greenhouse Gas Emissions

The preliminary results of a recent study on the Impact of Ships’ Biofouling on Greenhouse Gas Emissions shows that a layer of slime, as thin as 0.5 mm, covering up to 50% of a hull surface, can trigger an increase of GHG emissions, in the range of 20 to 25%, depending on ship characteristics, speed and other prevailing conditions.

The study was carried out by the Global Industry Alliance (GIA) for Marine Biosafety, which operates under the framework of the GEF-UNDP-IMO GloFouling Partnerships project.

The TEST Biofouling Project is the latest to be signed, in a rapidly expanding portfolio of global projects, under IMO’s Department for Partnerships and Projects, and demonstrates IMO’s increasing efforts to promote inclusive innovation, technology demonstration and diffusion, to support implementation of IMO instruments.

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