Fincantieri, one of the world's pioneer groups in high-complexity shipbuilding, and the Guardia di Finanza signed a Memorandum of Understanding aimed at strengthening cooperation to prevent and fight criminal infiltrations and irregularities in the economic and production sectors.
The agreement establishes a joint effort to protect legality, with a focus on preventing and combating economic and financial crimes, fraud, corruption, and illegal labor practices.
Enhancing transparency and security
The agreement will enhance the exchange of relevant data and information with significant preventive valueThrough extensive action at each of Fincantieri's production sites, the agreement will enhance the exchange of relevant data and information with significant preventive value between the company and the territorial units of the Guardia di Finanza.
This will institutionalize an outstanding collaboration and strengthen the protection of compliance and transparency within its supply chain. The co-operation protocol will also increase the effectiveness of the respective actions, facilitating the identification of high-risk sectors and phenomena.
Furthermore, for Fincantieri - a company of strategic importance - this will allow access to the highest forms of public-private partnerships, a fundamental pillar in protecting the industry and national security.
Partnership for integrity
The signing ceremony, held at the General Command Headquarters of the Guardia di Finanza, was attended by Biagio Mazzotta, Chairman of Fincantieri, and General Andrea De Gennaro, Commander General of the Guardia di Finanza, underscoring the significance of this joint commitment.
Attending the signing was also Enrico Pirastru, Senior Vice President Security of Fincantieri.
This agreement falls within the initiatives already undertaken by Fincantieri to ensure the highest standards of integrity and transparency, in line with the National Framework Agreement on Legality signed with the Italian Ministry of the Interior.
Strengthening business
Fincantieri is actively engaged in strengthening the bond between business and community, promoting a model of sustainable and inclusive development.
Legality and sustainability are not merely ethical values but strategic levers that strengthen companies by enhancing competitiveness, fostering the creation of shared value, attracting talent, and securing essential resources for long-term growth.
Promoting safe workplaces
In this direction, the recent Memorandum of Understanding with the Study Foundation of the National Council of Labor Consultants also aims to adopt the ASSE.CO. certification, ensuring compliance with social security and wage regulations within the shipbuilding supply chain.
This concrete commitment, through pilot projects at the strategic shipyards of Monfalcone and Marghera, aims to elevate social responsibility and workplace safety standards in the sector.