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ClassNK has released a new tool, ‘WACDAS (WAve Climate Data Aggregation for Ships)’, for calculating the route correction factors essential for ensuring the safety of container lashing and support container stacking optimisation.

Responding to rapid increases in the size of container ships and advances in lashing technology, ClassNK released ‘Guidelines for Container Stowage and Securing Arrangements (Edition 3.0)’ last year to enhance the safety and efficiency of marine container transportation.


‘WACDAS’ is a tool that enables the easy calculation of route correction factors necessary for utilising the approved lashing software compatible with the class notation ‘Container Stowage and Securing Arrangement with Service on Specific Sea Routes (CSSA-RS)’ as per the guidelines (Edition 3.0 or later).

This tool, accessible through a web browser, enables onboard calculation of these factors, thereby facilitating the optimal container stacking based on the individual vessel routes and seasons.

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