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ClassNK has issued an Approval in Principle (AiP) for a parcel layout concept for a hydrogen-fueled multi-purpose vessel developed by Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, Ltd., MOL Drybulk Ltd., Onomichi Dockyard Co., Ltd., Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd., and Japan Engine Corporation.

This is the world’s first AiP certification for a ship equipped with a large low-speed two-stroke hydrogen-fueled engine as the main propulsion engine.

Growth and building of the vessel

According to the companies, demonstration operation of the vessel will be conducted for two years from around FY2027 as part of the “Development of marine hydrogen engines and MHFS,” which was adopted by the Green Innovation Funding Programme of the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organisation (NEDO). 

MOL and MOL Drybulk will be in charge of right and process management of the vessel

Prior to the demonstration operation, J-ENG’s large low-speed two-stroke hydrogen-fueled engine and Kawasaki’s MHFS will be installed in the vessel by FY2026. MOL and MOL Drybulk will be in charge of ownership and operation management of the vessel and Onomichi Dockyard will be in charge of the development and building of the vessel, and they will cooperate towards the demonstration operation.

Risk assessment results 

ClassNK carried out a review of a parcel layout concept for the MHFS based on its rules including part GF of its "Rules and Guidance for the Survey and Construction of Steel Ships" incorporating the IGF Code and risk assessment results through pre-HAZID. Upon confirming they comply with the prescribed requirements, ClassNK issued the AiP. 

ClassNK will contribute to the further consideration of the project for demonstration operation from the perspective of safety evaluation and will strive to support the decarbonisation of shipping.

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