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ClassNK has issued an Approval in Principle (AiP) for the “Advanced Maneouvering Assistant System”, the core technology for the autonomous navigation system, developed by Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd., Kawasaki Kinkai Kisen Kaisha, Ltd., Japan Radio Co., Ltd. and YDK Technologies Co., Ltd.

Advanced Maneouvering Assistant

The Advanced Maneuvering Assistant System automatically generates some routes for avoiding a collision with other ships on a monitored route when a collision with another ship due to OZT is predicted and assists the operator in avoiding the collision.

The system will consider COLREGs and suggest up to two avoidance routes that will allow the ship to return to its original course line within 1 hour. In addition, track control is performed for the selected avoidance route by linking the system with Auto Pilot and ECDIS.

Sea demonstration test

Sea demonstration test of autonomous navigation system consisting of a single function on board ship conducted

The system has been adopted in the sea demonstration test of autonomous navigation system consisting of a single function on board ship conducted with the large RORO cargo ship “HOKUREN MARU No. 2” in the Joint Technological Development programme for the Demonstration test of Fully Autonomous Ships, under the MEGURI 2040 Fully Autonomous Ship Project administrated by the Nippon Foundation.

ClassNK reviewed a conceptual design of the system based on its “Guidelines for Automated/Autonomous Operation on ships”.

Automated/autonomous operation technologies

Upon confirming it complies with the prescribed requirements, ClassNK issued the AiP.

ClassNK is committed to participating in various projects, establishing standards, and providing information to support the development and implementation of automated/autonomous operation technologies from a safety perspective.

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