Maritim uke 2024

  • Type: Conference/Seminar
  • 23 - 27 Sep, 2024
  • Haugesund, Norway
  • Quality Maritim Hotel, Haugesund, 5528, Norway
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Event Overview:

Maritim uke 2024

Maritime Week brings together experts, decision-makers and stakeholders from the entire maritime industry in Haugesund 23-27. September. This week three popular conferences are being organised: the Haugesund Conference, the Maritime Safety Conference and the Recreational Boat Conference.

Maritime Week is not just about subjects. It is also a unique arena where visitors will meet colleagues from the entire maritime environment. Every evening there are good breaks where visitors can meet new contacts over varied dinners and top-class entertainment.

Visitor Demographics:

  • Visitor Origin:
  • Norway

Event organiser:

  • Organiser:
  • Norwegian Maritime Directorate
  • Address:
  • NO-5509, Haugesund, Norway

Upcoming events in Norway
