Kormarine 2023

  • Type: Exhibition/Expo
  • 24 - 27 Oct, 2023
  • Busan, Korea (South)
  • BEXCO, 55 APEC-ro, Haeundae-gu, Busan, Korea (South)
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Event Overview:

Kormarine 2023

Kormarine is an international marine exhibition to be held in Busan. Kormarine is one of the Maritime Exhibitions held every two years since 1978. More than 1,000 shipbuilding and marine industrial operators from over 40 countries and regions will exhibit. At the venue, various exhibitors will introduce diesel engines, pumps, compressors, valves, navigation systems, and communication equipment, as well as ferries, boats, and ships.

Also funding opportunities will be informed. In addition, numerous seminars and workshops, focussing on current industry topics are held. It is the pioneering trade fair of its kind in Asia.

On the whole, the organisers welcomed on the four days of the fair, from 24 October to 27 October 2023, about 982 exhibitors from 45 countries and 36450 visitors from 76 countries on the Kormarine in Busan.

The Kormarine will take place on four days from Tuesday, 24 October to Friday, 27 October 2023 in Busan.

Visitor Demographics:

  • Visitor Origin:
  • Korea (South)

Event organiser:

  • Organiser:
  • Reed K. Fairs Ltd.
  • Address:
  • A-1602, Tera Tower2, 201, Songpa-daero, Seoul, Korea (South)
  • +82-2-554-3120

Upcoming events in Korea (South)

Event in Profile

With over 2,000 exhibitors and about 40,000 visitors worldwide, SMM continues to cement its position as the most important event in the maritime industry calendar. The trade fair offers a perfect stage for gathering insights, networking, cementing business deals, and contributing to debates with the thought leaders in this sector.
