22 Sep 2023

The European Shipping Summit 2023 in Brussels 19-20 September brought together representatives from across the maritime industry, government, finance, as well as energy and technology industries to address some of the most pressing topics for the future of the industry and of Europe.

Making the most of this unique platform, the World Shipping Council gathered people and organisations to drive progress on the availability of renewable maritime fuels and the fight against drug trafficking. While the topics are diverse, leaders at both sessions agreed – together everyone will go further, faster.

Liner shipping companies

In his keynote speech at the European Shipping Summit, Rolf Habben Jansen, WSC Board co-chair and CEO of Hapag-Lloyd, highlighted that “Four of the five largest liner shipping companies have their historical roots and headquarters in Europe, and together they account for roughly half of the global container fleet. This is a great legacy and a big asset at the same time. And it also means that Europe needs to set the stage – and be in the driver’s seat – for our industry’s energy transition.” 

Over half of the container vessel capacity on order for delivery before 2027 is built to run on renewable fuels

Over half of the container vessel capacity on order for delivery before 2027 is built to run on renewable fuels. But these ships can only be as green as the fuels they burn. The first WSC session brought together the key decision makers setting and meeting performance standards and scaling production of renewable fuels - Ricardo Batista of DG-MOVE, Carlo Raucci of Lloyd’s Register, Rasmus Hald Philipsen of Maersk and Matthias Ólafsson of the Methanol Institute.

Green electricity production

The panel launched discussions throughout the Summit to explore pathways to truly green maritime fuels, and the role of Europe in this global transition.  

In conversation with moderator Jim Corbett, WSC, the panel recognised how policy lifecycle (Well-to-Wake) targets and fleet investments create clear demand for renewable marine fuels. Adequate supply of truly renewable fuels hinges on quickly scaling green electricity production, fuel production and distribution. The EU Green Deal calls for new production of green energy in Europe, but global regulation will be key. Demand and supply – carriers and fuel providers - must together build the market frameworks necessary for the transition to meet global GHG targets.

Maritime supply chains

The international supply chain carries more than 250 million containers across oceans and borders each year

Investment in green energy for renewable maritime fuel production and the supply infrastructure represent an opportunity for Europe to preserve its competitiveness – and will be crucial for the energy transition. 

The international supply chain carries more than 250 million containers across oceans and borders each year. The second session focused on how users can make maritime supply chains safer, and less vulnerable to criminal abuse by drugs traffickers.

Supply chain workers

This joint session with ECASBA brought together a panel of experts from customs and law enforcement, ports, carriers and ship agents with an audience from across the supply chain. Moderated by WSC, the discussion highlighted existing efforts and explored new ways to make maritime trade safer, protecting crews, supply chain workers and their communities.  

Experience shows that investment in technology can deliver success in the battle against drug trafficking, but even more vital is building trusted long-term relationships between parties based on exchanging information and knowledge. Criminals are organised and so must we be - it takes a network to fight a network.