4 Jun 2024

Valenciaport is celebrating Environment Week with an agenda full of activities: an exhibition on decarbonisation in the Clock Building with daily environmental workshops for schoolchildren (both until 9 June), a conference on ‘Actions linked to zero emissions in port companies’ (5 June) and collaboration with an initiative focused on cleaning the beaches and seabed around the Port.

Cleaning of the seabed

Recently, Valenciaport collaborated with a national initiative – developed by the Red de Vigilantes Marinos and the Libera project of SEO/BirdLife and Ecoembes by sponsoring the cleaning of the seabed of Cabanyal beach.

This activity has been carried out simultaneously in many parts of the Spanish coast, and in the case of Valencia, a total of 60 volunteers from Oceanide Club de Buceo have been responsible for carrying it out by cleaning the Cabanyal Beach, its seabed, and the waters of the northern breakwater of the Port of València.

60 kg of waste

Most of the waste removed on the beach was cans, cartons, and all kinds of plastics, as well as cigarette butts

During the day, 60 volunteers, including certified divers and shore staff, worked together to remove 60 kg of waste from the marine and coastal environment.

Most of the waste removed on the beach was cans, cartons, and all kinds of plastics, as well as cigarette butts, wipes, and glass bottles.

Waste removal initiative

On the seabed, the divers have mainly extracted fishing nets and fishing gear, although they have also found carpet waste, plastics, bottles, and cans deposited on the seabed.

In this initiative, Oceanside Diving Club has had the support of 60 volunteers and companies and institutions: SAV – Agricultores de la Vega de Valencia, the Port Authority of València, Red de Vigilantes Marinos, Politsub, Charter Valencia, Federación de Actividades Subacuáticas de la Comunidad Valenciana, FOVASA and Dr. Tree.