17 Sep 2021

Cleaner and greener channel crossings are expected in the next decade, as the London International Shipping Week 2021 (LISW 2021) launches, announced the Department for Transport’s, Robert Courts MP, and The Rt. Hon Grant Shapps MP.

Highlights include:

  • UK to push for international shipping emissions to reach absolute zero by 2050,
  • Transport Secretary sets out ambitious global 2050 target, as the UK government launches greenest ever International Shipping Week, and
  • Vision of zero emission vessels entering into commercial service by 2025, opening the possibility for cleaner and greener channel crossings in the next decade.

London International Shipping Week 2021

Marking the start of the greenest London International Shipping Week yet, the UK backs a globally renowned absolute zero target for international shipping emissions by 2050, as announced by Transport Secretary, Grant Shapps, on September 13, 2021.

This target, which would need to be agreed through the International Maritime Organization, would be a significant increase of ambition for the sector, which is currently accountable for 3% of global emissions.

Initiatives to slash emissions

The CMDC was launched, as part of the UK Prime Minister’s ten-point plan for a green industrial revolution

This announcement comes as the government launches the greenest ever London International Shipping Week, building on a string of initiatives that are aimed at slashing emissions and establishing the United Kingdom, among international leaders in green maritime.

At a speech on September 15, 2021, the Transport Secretary will announce the winners of the multi-million pounds Clean Maritime Demonstration Competition (CMDC). Focused on innovative green maritime solutions, the CMDC was launched, as part of the UK Prime Minister’s ten-point plan for a green industrial revolution, in November 2020.

Importance of a thriving maritime sector

The Transport Secretary is also expected to reassert the importance of building a thriving maritime sector, which is focused on innovation, highlighting his ambition to have zero-emission vessels entering into commercial service by 2025, which opens the possibility for cleaner and greener channel crossings, in the next decade.

These initiatives follow on from commitments, outlined in the world-renowned Transport decarbonisation plan, to explore the establishment of a UK Shipping Office for Reducing Emissions (UK SHORE), a dedicated unit within the Department for Transport (DfT) that is focused on decarbonising the maritime sector.

Green era for the maritime industry

UK Transport Secretary Grant Shapps said, “As a maritime nation with a rich history and host of COP26 this year, we are proud to be at the forefront of the greener era for maritime sector, charting an international course for the future of clean shipping.

“I’m incredibly excited by the changes happening in this sector, with the speed of progress highlighted by the prospect of zero-emission commercial vessels in UK waters in the next few years and green Channel crossings within a decade.

Shaping the landscape for clean shipping and trade

Taking action now allows the United Kingdom to take the charge of this global shift

Taking action now allows the United Kingdom to take the charge of this global shift, creating highly skilled jobs for British workers and shaping the landscape for what clean shipping and trade will look like, for future generations.

As the greenest shipping week to date, the UK is focused on working in collaboration with the sector, to build a strong sustainable future for UK maritime. As recently published in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Report, warming is happening quicker than previously estimated. Therefore action is needed across all sectors and the UK will do all it can to slash emissions from shipping.

UK, the natural home for global maritime business

Maritime UK Chair, Sarah Kenny said, “The government’s leadership on global shipping targets will be welcomed across the sector. The UK is the natural home for maritime business and will play a pivotal role in helping this most global of sectors to decarbonise. There are already fantastic technologies being developed and deployed here, and the industry is determined that these accelerate in close partnership with government.

Sarah Kenny adds, “The UK will rise to the challenge and, in doing so, create tens of thousands of green jobs in coastal communities across the UK. International challenges require international solutions and its right government seeks to lead regulatory action here in London. We can play a leading role in driving change globally and this starts at London International Shipping Week.

Throughout the week, ministers and industry will be leading a host of events taking stock of the sector’s progress.

Focus on decarbonisation, port towns and industries

The Department for Transport will publish its Maritime Biennial Report on September 14, 2021

Kicking off with a ministerial roundtable at the Foreign Office on September 13, 2021, leaders from across the sector will discuss how to level up all parts of the UK, with a focus on decarbonisation, coastal communities and port towns, and industries.

The Department for Transport will publish its Maritime Biennial Report on September 14, 2021, outlining the strength of the sector, the next phase for its recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic and progress on the ambitious Maritime 2050 strategy.

Clean Maritime Demonstration Competition (CMDC)

On September 15, 2021, the Transport Secretary will announce the winners of the Clean Maritime Demonstration Competition, while the Maritime Minister, Robert Courts will be at Port of Southampton, opening the newest cruise terminal, which is the greenest one yet.

Maritime Minister Robert Courts is also set to take centre stage on September 16, 2021, at the coveted gala dinner in the iconic National Maritime Museum in Greenwich, the heart of British maritime, where he will outline the future for UK maritime and the opportunities that exist as we build global trading networks.

The week will be rounded off with the Maritime Minister joining Mersey Maritime, on September 17, 2021, for its annual awards event, where he will present the DfT Maritime 2050 Award – celebrating industry action towards the shared Maritime 2050 ambitions.