20 Aug 2020

On the morning of August 12, 2020, SITC International and Yangzijiang Shipbuilding held a ceremony for the naming and delivery of the new ship - ‘SITC Nansha.’

Mr. Xue Mingyuan, Executive Director of SITC International, President of SITC Shipping Group, Mr. Du Chengzhong, Deputy General Manager of Yangzijiang Shipbuilding Group, Mr. Deng Guosheng, Secretary of the Party Committee and General Manager of Guangzhou Port Co., Ltd., Mr. Chen Junyi, Deputy Director of Guangzhou Nansha Development Zone Port Office, Japan Mr. Dong Shiyan, President of Classification Society China, and Mr. Zhou Zhiyong, Vice President of Shanghai Ship Research and Design Institute attended the ceremony.

After being delivered, the vessel will soon be put into the routes operated by SITC, in order to provide SITC customers with higher quality and higher standard services.