28 Jul 2022

This morning, the Advisory Committee for the Port of Sagunto, which includes the Sagunto City Council, the Port Authority of Valencia (APV), and the Valencian Regional Government, met, chaired by the Mayor of Sagunto, Darío Moreno.

At the meeting, the bases were agreed upon for defining the competition of ideas for the port-city interaction project in the northern area of the Port of Sagunto, with the intention of launching the tender in September. Specifically, the uses and spatial scope to be included in the technical specifications have been established and defined.

Improving urban integration

This is an action that forms part of the agreement signed between the PAV and the Sagunto City Council in 2019. The action aims to improve the urban integration of the northern area by opening and integrating part of this space for public use and contributing to the generation of wealth and the attraction of tourism.

A few days ago, the political parties demanded definitive steps in this port-city integration project"

The mayor of Sagunto has expressed his satisfaction with the presentation by the PAV of the ideas competition that will outline ‘exactly what the final configuration of this macro-project will be, which will allow an area to be gained for the citizens, not only for leisure but also for use for multiple needs.’ “A few days ago, the political parties demanded definitive steps in this port-city integration project, and today, in the Advisory Committee, this has been the main point of debate,” explained Moreno.

Itinerant commercial events

The General Manager of the PAV, Francesc Sánchez, indicated that “We have worked on the draft for the ideas competition to fulfil the roadmap we had set together with the City Council to develop the project for the North zone. At the meeting, we specified the scope and uses of this ideas competition, and the aim is that with the observations made by the council, in September we will launch this competition which will be the basis for continuing with the development of the agreement to ensure that the north quay is used for port-city integration.”

Thus, the uses linked to the port-city interaction proposed in the Committee for this project are commercial activity such as restaurants, leisure, etc, excluding large shopping centres; the creation of playgrounds, spaces and elements for physical activity and sport, and a cycle path; fishing; the holding of cultural, leisure and sporting activities and events; or itinerant commercial events.

Port-city interaction

The competition of ideas will act on part of the area reflected in Annex I of the agreement

The competition will also contemplate the nautical-sports use that is compatible with the agitation characteristics of the North Quay and the maritime safety of the port; as well as the commercial and complementary port uses, with the corresponding segregation and safety measures. The competition of ideas will act on part of the area reflected in Annex I of the agreement (the area closest to the beach of Puerto de Sagunto) although it is envisaged that it will be developed in different phases.

Thus, among the objectives of the competition for ideas, it is stated that it should enhance and revitalize the areas defined in the spatial scope of the competition and connected to the urban area, providing citizens with a friendly space that is integrated into the city. Likewise, solutions will be proposed which allow compatibility between the port-city interaction and compatibility in the North Zone of the Port with commercial port activities, nautical-sports use or professional fishing.

Free access road network

The proposals submitted to the ideas competition will also have to establish the PAV restricted access road network and the free access road network, as well as the direct connection between the commercial areas to the East and West of the restricted access North Zone of the port. In addition, they will also contemplate the connection with the future promenade.

In addition, they will also contemplate the connection with the future promenade

It should be noted that the works for the ‘New promenade in the northern area of the Port of Sagunto’ project are currently out to tender, with a base budget of 5,735,310 euros (VAT included), for which five bids have been submitted. This initiative, in addition to the commitments made in the agreement signed by the APV and Sagunto City Council, includes the construction of a promenade in the northern area of the port which, giving continuity to the town’s promenade, will allow public use of this area and, in the future, public access to the Sierra Menera jetty.

Simplified environmental procedure

Specifically, this project is being developed on the land occupied by the terrestrial part of the current pontoon to create a new urban space that connects the end of the current Travesía del Mediterráneo with the start of the maritime section of the pontoon.

The project for the remodelling of the northern area of the Port of Sagunto will be carried out in two phases. On the one hand, work will be carried out on the land area that will connect with the promenade in the northern area, with the aim of completing the project as quickly as possible. On the other hand, the maritime part, which will require a simplified environmental procedure due to the waste treatment that will be generated, as it will be located in non-inland waters.

The Advisory Committee is a body chaired by the Mayor of Sagunto and integrated into the Delegate Commission of the Council for the Promotion of Territorial Integration with the aim of effectively promoting the resolution of issues concerning the city of Sagunto.