24 Nov 2021

The OECS region’s coastal and marine environment is pivotal to the advancement of the region’s sustainable development agenda as well as to the ecological sustainability and holistic development of its Member States. 

Although the Blue Economy in the region is fairly nascent and requires a major boost to realise its transformative promises, there is momentum and gradual growth in understanding of the potential of the Blue Economy to position the region to realise its aspirations.

Making a model blue economy

The primary purpose of the OECS Blue Economy Strategy is to position the OECS as a model Blue Economy region worthy of support, investment, and emulation.

This requires a robust, well-coordinated effort that is mainstreamed into national and regional development policies, including making it more central to efforts to establish an OECS Economic Union.

Strengthen and enhance the blue economy

UBEC Program is designed to strengthen and enhance the resilience of selected coastal infrastructure

The World Bank-financed “Unleashing the Blue Economy of the Caribbean” (UBEC) Program is designed to strengthen the enabling environment for the blue economy and to enhance the resilience of selected coastal infrastructure in and across participating countries.

The initial Financial Year 2022 cohort of participating countries (Grenada, Saint Lucia, and St Vincent and the Grenadines) will benefit from improved competitiveness of their economies in three critical and interconnected sectors: Tourism, Fisheries, and Aquaculture and Waste Management. Growth and jobs in these key sectors have been heavily impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Phase One Project

The Phase One Project of the UBEEC program is focussed on (i) Strengthening Governance, Policies and Capacity Building for Key Productive Sectors; and (ii) Scaling Up Access to Finance and Infrastructure Investments in the Blue Economy - across the target sectors at the national and regional levels. 

The OECS Commission will be the implementing entity for a regional package consisting of a Regional MSME matching grants program (financing business development services and matching grants to increase productivity, job creation, and upgrade capabilities within Blue Economy value chains) and strengthening regional policies, institutions, and coordination. 

Phase two project

OECS Commission is fulfilling the early release of key safeguards information and instruments

A second phase comprising one to two additional country-level investment projects is expected to be initiated in Financial Year 2023/2024 and could include Antigua and Barbuda and Dominica. The design of the second phase of projects will consider the capacity of institutions, technical competencies, and challenges, and will benefit from lessons learned from phase one.

In keeping with best practices aligned with the World Bank’s and OECS’ guidelines, the OECS Commission is fulfilling the early release of key safeguards information and instruments as a key component in the implementation of its consultation plan. The five instruments of the framework in this early release are as follows:

  • Environmental & Social Management Framework (ESMF)
  • Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP), including Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM)
  • Labour Management Procedures (LMP)
  • Resettlement and Process Framework (RPF)
  • Environmental and Social Commitment Plan (ESCP)