12 Apr 2023

The Governing Board of the Nigerian Maritime Administration and Safety Agency (NIMASA) has approved the appointment of Mrs. Olubusola Obasanjo-Akande and Engr. Christopher Amakulo as Directors.

The NIMASA Board also approved the promotion of 22 Assistant Directors to Deputy Directors, 86 Chiefs to Assistant Directors and 400 other staff to their next grade levels. The Governing Board of the Agency ratified the promotion during a meeting held in Lagos, Nigeria.

Staff promotions approved by the NIMASA Board

I am glad that the Agency’s Governing Board has kept faith with the promise to boost staff morale"

The Director General (DG) of the Nigerian Maritime Administration and Safety Agency (NIMASA), Dr. Bashir Jamoh, OFR while congratulating the staff, noted the Board’s determination to boost the morale of staff, by ensuring promotion exercise takes place, as and when due, and charged them to see it as a call to higher performance.

Dr. Bashir Jamoh stated “I am glad that the Agency’s Governing Board has kept faith with the promise to boost staff morale through annual promotion exercises, which is aimed at ensuring staff remain committed to the ideals of the Agency, while helping Management actualise its mandate.

Boost staff morale through annual promotion exercises

Dr. Bashir Jamoh adds, “I, therefore, use this opportunity to congratulate the promoted staff and see the gesture as a motivation to improve performance on the higher task.

The promotion exercise is the fourth under the Dr. Bashir Jamoh led management, since he assumed office in March 2020.