21 Dec 2022

Newport Shipping is proud to announce that it is now a Board Member of Sea-LNG. As part of its strategy of being involved in the developments of LNG as a fuel for the maritime industry, the company now will be more involved with the promotion of LNG as a fuel.

Lianghui Xia, Managing Director, Newport Shipping comments that: "It is part of our long-term strategy for promoting LNG as a practical and sustainable fuel choice for decarbonisation. Sea-LNG is one of the best platforms where we can reach out to the global audience and join forces with all the other industrial players with the same ambition and focus."

Sustainable fuel choice

Sea-LNG is working with the industry to help promote LNG as a fuel. Its vision is to achieve a global LNG marine fuel value chain capable of meeting the shipping industry's environmental, commercial and operational challenges in the 21st Century.

It works with its members to identify the requirements and dependencies of these challenges and highlight and support practical solutions in respect of the benefits of LNG as a marine fuel and the role it can play in transforming the shipping industry. Through this network it is able to facilitate a global LNG marine fuel value chain that enables the transition to sustainable shipping.

Common decarbonisation goal

LNG is a readily available fuel for the market and can meet the needs of the existing fleet

LNG is a readily available fuel for the market and can meet the needs of the existing fleet. The maritime industry is currently under pressure to start cutting its emissions if it is to meet future regulations.

Xia comments about future challenges that industry will face with future fuels: "It is a long journey towards a common decarbonisation goal. It takes time and faith to achieve the goal with the solutions at hand. For sure LNG is not the only option but it will be the one that brings sustainable value to the world."

By joining with Sea-LNG Newport Shipping will be bringing its experience and latest LNG retrofit designs-giving the market a solution that it can adopt to start cutting emissions. Newport Shipping has three retrofit solutions for bulk carriers, tankers and containerships.