3 Oct 2023

On the 15th September, Maritime UK, in collaboration with Women in Transport and sponsored by Hill Dickinson, hosted an epoch-making summit that showcased early findings from the Women in Transport Equity Index Project.

The Summit convened during London International Shipping Week 2023 at Hill Dickinson's City of London offices and spotlighted vital challenges and opportunities in gender diversity within the transport sector.

Key Findings included:

  • The majority of women in transport sectors are employed in non-transport roles like HR and Administration.
  • Only 25% of workforce participants in transport organisations identify as female, with 29% of them only occupying senior roles.
  • Only 32.7% of organisations have undertaken a gender pay gap review in the past year.

Actionable strategies for change

Scarlett Black, Head of the People Programmes at Maritime UK, said: "We are excited to continue celebrating the achievements of our outstanding Women in Maritime Network." Deborah Layde, Chair of the Women in Maritime Network, commented: "The tide is turning; this is a wonderful time for women."

Sue Terpilowski, Women in Transport Lead for the Equity Index, proclaimed: "The Equity Index will be our guiding beacon as we navigate towards a future of inclusivity and equal opportunity." Sonya Byers, CEO of Women in Transport, added: "This Summit and the accompanying Equity Index are more than just a reflection of where we are; they are a roadmap to where we should be heading. It's time to turn data into actionable strategies for change."