23 Jan 2023

Following the announcement of the second round of ‘Levelling Up’ funding from the Government, industry body - Maritime UK has welcomed the inclusion of a number of projects focused on the sector and more broadly on the vitally important coastal communities around the United Kingdom (UK).

Maritime is known to make a massive contribution to the country’s economy, being worth £116 billion and supporting over a million jobs, and has a major contribution to make to levelling up the country as a whole. But it is also know that coastal areas are amongst the most challenged economically and are in ongoing need of investment.

‘Levelling Up’ investment in coastal communities

It is fantastic to see the sector taking advantage of the funding opportunities that are available"

Research previously released by Maritime UK shows that almost half of UK’s coastal communities’ young are being driven away from their hometowns due to lack of jobs, and unless government continues to deliver support, more are likely to follow.

Maritime UK’s Regional Cluster Development Manager, Simon Eardley, said: “It is fantastic to see the sector taking advantage of the funding opportunities that are available to bring investment into the coastal regions of the country. The announcement from the Government today of significant resource for more than 100 projects overall as part of Round 2 of the ‘Levelling Up Fund’ is welcome.

Promoting projects focused on the maritime sector

He adds, “Projects focused on the maritime sector and on the coastal communities that are so significant to the economic prosperity of the UK are well represented in these awards, but there is always more to do. As part of our work to support our network of regional cluster organisations around coast of the UK, we have been encouraging them to engage with partners, to make sure maritime-related infrastructure projects are part of the mix and a major focus when bids are submitted.

He continues, “This will be a significant priority for our ongoing work and future meetings of the Maritime UK Regional Council, which brings together all our regional teams, will be alive to how we can engage on future funding rounds, be they levelling up or other opportunities to draw down investment through the industry.

‘Coastal Powerhouse Manifesto’ launched in 2021

We know that prioritising our coastal communities in this way is essential as a means to arrest decline"

Simon Eardley stated, “We know that prioritising our coastal communities in this way is essential as a means to arrest decline. It’s why we developed and launched a ‘Coastal Powerhouse Manifesto’ in 2021. This document, which has formed the basis of a wider ‘Programme for Government’, gives practical and realistic suggestions to those in Westminster around how we can address some of the systemic economic challenges that coastal communities face. This focus on the coast is, in our view, just as significant and important as the wider Northern Powerhouse or Midlands Engine agenda which often receives the most attention.

He adds, “Our regional teams, embedded in their local area, are well placed to champion initiatives that will make the most difference to their region and contribute to an overall emphasis on bring jobs, skills and growth to some of the most deprived areas but also those places with the most potential to deliver on ambitions to improve the lives of those who live in them and boost the economy.

Role of maritime in economic growth in coastal towns

He further said, “Maritime UK and its members engage on a regular basis with a range of government ministers and indeed other political stakeholders who may in the future have an influence on this important focus of work.

Simon Eardley concludes, “We’ll soon be meeting with Levelling-Up Minister, Dehenna Davison, to discuss how, by working together, maritime can help accelerate economic growth in coastal towns and cities. As devolved and local funding becomes increasingly important, not least in the context of green infrastructure in support of our transition to net zero, we stand ready help maximise these opportunities across the whole sector and across the whole country.