3 Feb 2022

The Maritime Skills Alliance (MSA) is delighted to announce that Mr. David Tournay has agreed to become Secretary to the MSA, post the retirement of Iain Mackinnon on March 31, 2022.

David Tournay will also become Secretary to the Maritime UK People and Skills Forum. David has worked in the vocational learning field for nearly 30 years, working across a diverse range of industry sectors from aviation and hospitality to jewellery making and archaeology. 

New Secretary to the Maritime UK People and Skills Forum

David's  work has focused on the design of qualifications, implementing labour market studies

David's  work has focused on the design of qualifications, implementing labour market studies and working with employers, and education providers, in order to find the best approach to programme implementation and to navigate a pathway through regulation and control.

He cut his maritime teeth as a long term Trustee of the Pioneer Sailing Trust, an Essex-based charity that provides sail training and boat building apprenticeships for local young people. This led to involvement in the development of a range of specialist marine programmes and apprenticeships with British Marine.

Maritime Skills Commission

Maritime Skills Alliance’s Chair, Bill Walworth CBE, said “We are saddened Iain will be retiring from the MSA, although he will continue to be seen around the industry. He has been an outstanding success as secretary, developing an unrivalled understanding of skills, education and training in the maritime environment. Iain was at the heart of starting and developing the Maritime UK People and Skills Forum and then the Maritime Skills Commission.

He adds, “He has worked closely within the industry as well as in Government and the education sector. We will ensure he is given a suitable send off and offer our best wishes for the future.

Sailing and racing enthusiast

Bill Walworth further said, “David is excited to be joining the MSA, Maritime UK fold and to be working with its members, to help establish workable solutions to the skills challenges the sector faces. When not at work, David can be found sailing and racing on the East Coast. We look forward to welcoming David in March and he will take over from Iain on 31 March.