28 May 2020

The customers' question: Reduce vendor errors in the invoice process and resulting shipment delays and maintain existing Customs Clearance Agent but use their innovative solutions.

The challenge -

  • To reduce administrative responsibilities surrounding the management of a duty drawback program.
  • Need to minimize manual effort to capture SKU-level value, duty, and customs fees, especially for clients who lack the ability to automate the entry process themselves.
  • Mitigate risk of errors related to manual processing.

The customer -

  • A Maersk client for SCM, Freight Forwarding, and Brokerage Solutions.
  • The cost-mitigating solutions that Maersk brought to the table were differentiators that “won” this business.
  • By combining drawback automation with other innovations, this importer realized dramatic cost reductions.

Detailed output reports

The solution -

  • Maersk's systems provide the flexibility to use commercial invoices in Excel format to replicate an EDI invoice load.
  • With invoice data loaded at the lowest SKU level, the entry captures all the item/colour/size details at the time of entry.
  • This level of detail enables production of extremely detailed output reports, formatted in the provider's structure.

The result -

  • Mitigated risk of data entry errors, resulting in higher compliance audit scores.
  • Immediate reduction in administrative costs to capture the entry detail manually.
  • Risk of drawback data entry errors dramatically reduced, increasing efficiency and eliminating review and correction of entry data captured manually.