21 Jul 2022

Ingeteam has started manufacturing the first units of its new INGECON H2 C-lyzer converter in Sesma (Navarre), for the Green H2 sector.

The first orders for the green hydrogen converters will be installed in Belgium, California (in the United States of America - USA) and Bizkaia (Spain).

INGECON H2 C-lyzer converters

Ingeteam’s INGECON H2 C-lyzer converters are responsible for supplying direct current

Ingeteam’s INGECON H2 C-lyzer converters are responsible for supplying direct current, so that electrolysers can separate the water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen.

The power and control electronics for electrolyser power supplies are, therefore, a key aspect in green hydrogen production via electrolysis, as the supply of power to an electrolyser has a major impact on its efficiency and degradation.

Commitment to the green hydrogen sector

Harkaitz Ibaiondo, the Director of Ingeteam’s Green Hydrogen Business, said “The fact that we have won these first three orders for different customers, in different countries and on different continents, and in such a relatively short period, demonstrates the confidence that our technology has generated among our customers.

These first orders reinforce Ingeteam’s value proposition and its commitment to the green hydrogen sector, an industry with great growth potential where the company has much to contribute given its extensive experience in the field of power electronics applied to renewable energy generation.