10 Feb 2023

Following the successful landing and take-off of the indigenous LCA Navy and MiG-29K on India's first Indigenous aircraft carrier INS Vikrant (IAC-1); Venkatesh Kandlikar, Defense Analyst at GlobalData, a leading data and analytics company, offers his view:

"The move marks the official start of the aircraft carrier's fighter jet aviation trials, as well as a significant step towards India developing its own deck-based fighters. It is also a defining moment for India, as it has only one aircraft carrier operational for aircraft deployment, and the Indian Navy is desperately in need of filling critical gaps.

Achieving self-sufficiency

The Indian Navy is also looking to supplement the ship's offensive element, which consists of MiG-29Ks, with the multi-role carrier-borne fighters to make up for the underwhelming availability and limited number of carrier-based fighters.”

The landing and take-off of the LCA ahead of schedule indicates that the Indian Navy will have the Vikrant battle-ready soon, as opposed to the delays expected in operationalising the aircraft carrier. The successful flight test also demonstrates trust in indigenous defence capabilities and will significantly boost the Indian Navy’s goal to achieve self-sufficiency in its naval production. Once the IAC-1 becomes fully operational, it will be a significant addition to the Indian Navy's chances of projecting maritime power in the Indian Ocean region.”