4 Feb 2021

Year on year, it turns out that the world’s largest commercial fleet (in tonnage) is operated by Greece-based shipping companies.

Not all these ships call the ports of Greece, but it underlines the key position of Greece as a country within the maritime industry.

diize to upgrade their Always on Board coverage

It was a logical next step for diize to upgrade their Always on Board coverage with all Greek seaports

Hence, it was a logical next step for diize to upgrade their Always on Board coverage with all τʹιʹηʹ (=318) Greek seaports.

Moving forward from Greece with the largest commercial fleet towards the biggest country worldwide, diize also arrived in Russia! What an immense country, unfortunately to be completed at once. So they put their focus first on some important ports for their customers.

They succeeded to cover amongst others, the ports of St Petersburg, Ust Luga, Primorsk, Murmansk, Arkhangelsk (White Sea), Kavkaz, and Kaliningrad in the Russian Federation.

Always on Board is directly usable

With Always on Board, captains handle their port call administration in less than 20 minutes, up to 7.5 times faster. Always on Board is directly usable, no special software or hardware is needed.