29 Jan 2021

CULines signed a contract for the building of 2+2 1900 TEU container vessels with CSSC Huangpu Wenchong and held the signing ceremony at the Nansha factory of CSSC Huangpu Wenchong.

Deputy Director Pan Yuzhang of the Administrative Committee of the Guangzhou Nansha Economic and Technological Development Zone, Deputy General Manager Song Xiaoming of Guangzhou Port Group, Chief Operating Officer Wang Jianmin of Port and Shipping of Administrative Committee of Hainan Yangpu Economic Development Zone, Vice General Manager Zhou Liwei of CCS Guangzhou Branch, Deputy General Manager Li Xi of CSSC Huangpu Wenchong, General Manager Yang Yu of No.1 Shipping Business Department of China Shipbuilding Trading Corporation, President Zhang Zhihuan of CHINT, Chairman Raymond Chen and Executive Vice President Kevin Ding of CULines, and leaders and guests of related cooperation units attended the signing ceremony.

1900TEU container vessels

The vessels are energy-saving and environment-friendly vessels, which conform to international standards

The vessels ordered by CULines are the latest Wenchong 1900TEU container vessels, of which the overall length is 172m, the moulded breadth is 27.5m, the moulded depth is 14.6m, and the DWT is 24,000t.

The vessels are energy-saving and environment-friendly vessels, which conform to current international standards and conventions as well as environmental protection requirements for vessels, and adhere to CULines’ mission of “Benefiting Society and Protecting the Environment”.

Efficient and stable shipping services

The signing of the contract for the building of new vessels is the first cooperation between CULines and CSSC Huangpu Wenchong in terms of new vessels, and also a practical action taken by CULines in its active participation in the construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area along with CSSC.

Through this new vessel ordering and upgrading scheme, CULines will further expand Intra-Asia lines, and make efforts to provide more efficient and stable shipping services for customers and partners.