Tokyo - ClassNK has granted its Innovation Endorsement for Products & Solutions to a cloud service called J-Marine Cloud developed by Japan Radio Co., Ltd. (JRC).
In order to promote the spread and development of innovative technologies, ClassNK has offered Innovation Endorsement as a swift certification service in cooperation with technological front runners to establish appropriate evaluation criteria. Among the certification categories, ‘Products & Solutions’ covers equipment and software technology installed for use on vessels.
Navigational equipment status
J-Marine Cloud uses a common platform to collect various types of information, including meteorological and oceanographic information and AIS information.
J-Marine Cloud uses a common platform to collect various types of information
Various data such as voyage data, route plans, and navigational equipment status are also collected on a common platform via JRC's VDR (Voyage Data Recorder), J-Marine NeCST, and other shipboard equipment. These data can be combined to provide advanced vessel management and operational support solutions for onshore fleet managers. J-Marine Cloud also provides a variety of services to vessels, such as meteorological and oceanographic information services and optimal route support services, to boost on-board decision-making capabilities of vessels.
Shipboard navigation equipment
ClassNK has verified the functions of J-Marine Cloud:
- The ship's data communication service between shipboard navigation equipment and the cloud.
- The support service for onshore ship managers to realize status monitoring and accident analysis with the cloud data.
- The support service provides crews with means of communication to onshore ship managers and supporting information about vessel operations.
- The ship's status notification service via smart devices.
- The remote maintenance service to maintain the quality of shipboard navigation equipment via the cloud without visiting of engineers, and issued a certificate to the company.
ClassNK will continue to further promote its Innovation Endorsement for Ships, Products & Solutions, and Providers, and strive to support innovative technologies and initiatives.