21 Jul 2021

While efforts to build a decarbonised society are being accelerated such as through strengthened GHG reduction targets in various countries and with the progress of sustainable finance, a framework for assessing GHG emissions has also been introduced to IMO regulations.

The shipping industry is now required to plan and manage GHG emissions in an organised manner.

Enhancing service portfolio

ClassNK supports clients engaging in the shipping business in planning and managing GHG emissions ClassNK commits to supporting clients engaging in the shipping business in planning and managing GHG emissions in daily operations for the pursuit of zero-emission, and is working on the enhancement of its service portfolio to provide GHG emissions management system certification, GHG emissions management tools, verification and evaluation of GHG emissions, and support on measures for GHG emissions reduction.

Importance of ESG

With the increasing importance of ESG in corporate management, more companies are becoming aware of sustainable environmental management, including initiatives for decarbonisation. Many are proactively disclosing their GHG emissions and reduction initiatives in accordance with the ISO14064 series (international standard for the calculation, reporting and verification of GHG emissions) and other standards.

In recent years, stakeholders such as cargo owners in the maritime industry have increasingly appreciated the importance of estimating GHG emissions generated not only from the company itself but from the entire value chain of corporate activities.

NSU’s GHG emissions

ClassNK conducted a third-party verification of NSU’s GHG emissions report in accordance with ISO14064-3 NS United Kaiun Kaisha, Ltd.(NSU) has calculated its Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions –direct and indirect GHG emissions from its corporate group – and Scope 3 emissions – GHG emissions from the entire value chain of the group – for the period between the 1st of January 2019 to the 31st of December 2020, in accordance with ISO14064-1.

ClassNK conducted a third-party verification of NSU’s GHG emissions report in accordance with ISO14064-3 and issued a verification statement to the effect that the calculation of GHG emissions detailed in NSU’s report complied with the level of assurance required by the international ISO14064 standard series.

Calculating GHG accurately

ClassNK continues to conduct impartial and reliable third-party verifications that ensure accurate calculations of GHG emissions, and also works for contribution to clients’ pursuit of the SDGs and ESG-conscious management by supporting their credible GHG emissions disclosures.