13 Feb 2018

The US office of Becker Marine Systems is proud to announce the order for a retrofit of yet another set of Becker Flap Rudders placed by the Canal Barge Company, Inc. Founded in 1933, Canal Barge Company is a family-owned, independent marine transportation company headquartered in New Orleans, Louisiana.

140-foot vessel

Chosen for retrofit is the 140-foot vessel Eugenie P. Jones, built-in 1975 by the Dravo Corporation. She is a sister vessel of the Susan L.

Stall has been successfully running the Becker Flap Rudders since June of 2014. Canal Barge Company also has one more set of Becker Flap Rudders on order for a third sister boat. That vessel, the Merrick Jones will be outfitted with the same rudder system in the first quarter of 2019.

Becker Flap Rudders

Becker Flap Rudders have been helping US towboat customers to improve fuel efficiency, and maneouverability and saving them time on their long hauls since its introduction to the inland market in 2010. The increased maneouverability realised from the Becker Flap Rudders is particularly advantageous for these long-haul vessels traveling up and down the winding and narrow Mississippi River in the US Inland Waterways.

The sales team of Becker Marine Systems is looking forward to meeting with interested visitors at the upcoming shipping conference and exhibition CMA Shipping, held from 12th to 14th March 2018 in the Hilton Hotel in Stamford, Connecticut. Becker Marine Systems’ representation can be found at booth #L4.