17 May 2021

On the first Wednesday of May, the first of 14 Blue Water trucks arrived at Parken Stadium (Danish national stadium) in Copenhagen. It was time to replace the grass on the great football field, and Blue Water’s Reefer Road team was assigned the main part of the transport of the new turf. 

The 5,258 square metres of turf were transported from Italy through Europe to Parken Stadium. To keep the good condition during the entire transport, which took two days, Blue Water’s reefer trucks were used even though they are usually used for foodstuff logistics. The grass was delivered over two days with certain time spans to avoid any bottle neck situation.

Bottle neck situation

Morten Espersen, Business Developer, Reefer Road at Blue Water, said “It has been an exciting assignment because we have not previously transported this type of cargo on such a long distance nor such an amount. When the opportunity presented itself, we jumped at the offer, as we can solve such a task with our expertise.”

He adds, “We have handled the coordination which demanded great awareness due to the lack of space on-site, and the trucks had to arrive at proper intervals. Everything went according to schedule, and we hope to get into consideration for more of these jobs in the future.”